Thursday 7 April 2011

Class Mates Continuity Task Evaluations

Luke –
We gave Luke’s group a level 2 because there was some good shots used. However the dialogue was not great with it being very rushed and people laughing, further more the piece was not finished as it suddenly just ended as they stood up. Overall was an okay attempt with some good shots however needed dialogue needed to be changed and then the piece needed finishing.

Stephanie –
We gave the group a level 3 as they have clearly shown more than a basic level of ability. The majority of shots where held steadily, and people in the frame, hitting the basic criteria of a level 3. However their only downfall was a limited amount of dialogue, and then not using non-diegetic music to composite for it. Overall the best continuity task, but there is defiantly room for improvement with the music / dialogue and perhaps shot distances.

Ellies –
We gave the group a level 3, this was because of good shots throughout and extremely good music that linked with the dialogue. The non-diegetic and diegetic music worked extremely well creating a sense of atmosphere to the piece. However, there was very visible continuity error where Callum had his arms in the air and then next shot they where on the table, this made the task seem amateurish and editing needed to improved.

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