Thursday 7 April 2011

Questionnaire Evaluation

In my questionnaire I ask both mean and women this is to give me points of view. I also asked people of different ages, this would give me the most all-round response from the biggest target audience, my ages ranged from 15+ to 46+ hopefully giving me the most varied responses.

I also asked what people found most exciting in a thriller; there were two that mainly stood out. One was to build up in the film consequently this means that the audience finds the buildup in tension and the greater suspense thrilling and exciting. Secondly the actual action of the film the climax of the film, this is generally where you find the majority of the action-taking place. Making it a good reason to be most exciting. This means that the thriller must be able to build up the suspense yet still be entertaining, and then have a good climax making all the film make sense in one sequence.

I asked whether the audience thinks a thriller should be a 15 or 18. The most common response was 15. This is because it is more about the build up and action, making it a prime film for teenagers. This is good as it targets the largest audience but still exciting and thrilling. I will make a 15 rated film, as it is easy to make in our circumstances also I am not 18 yet.

I also asked the question about how much gore they would expect to find in a thriller. I got a response of not much, meaning that they would expect some fighting or attacking but no real gory shots. This could be because the film would be targeted at a 15 rated audience not 18 where you would commonly find gore.

We wanted to find out what is the favorite type of character in a thriller, the one the audience most enjoys seeing. I found that an assassin was very popular this could be that it is slightly different, but also uses the conventions of a thriller very well, building up the suspense to a good climax, or ending sequence. Criminals or innocent victims on the run seemed to be popular because of the unknowing factor that is involved with either of the characters. I found out from this that there are a defiantly favorite in character but most importantly the characters need to fit the thriller genre, and use the conventions to their advantage.

Knowing what plot the audience would like to watch is important allowing me to target the thriller audience more directly. Political conspiracy was the most popular meaning that there is a sudden twist with the government rulings; this could range from police forces, to the prime-minister, Showing that there is man different variations in the plot. Then a pursuit of some sort was the second highest these can me related closely together as they leave the audience not know what going to happen next. This is important to me as I now what the audience would like to watch using a plot, but I am going to have to be careful making sure I don’t copy a previous film opening.

Hybrids are becoming more and more popular within the thriller genre; because of this I asked what the favorite hybrid was. Crime caper thrillers was very popular choice this would coincide with the favorite characters chosen as thriller audience likes to watch something that involve a criminal or the police etc. But action and adventure thriller were also a common choice because they allow a real story to build up with tension and suspense building up with it. Producing a good all round thriller, with some different conventions combing tow thrillers together.

I also listed Film Noir in the hybrid selection, it was not very popular, and this could because it is not very known as a hybrid. Or people do not like watching films in white and black. This is useful to me as it is not very popular as a thriller meaning I should not chose it however if done correctly it does make a very good thriller. If the group goes ahead and uses the Film Noir genre we must make sure that we are targeting a much wider audience involve maybe some new conventions from other hybrids not stick to the conventional ones of a Film Noir, making film appeal to a larger audience.

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