Thursday 7 April 2011

Research Evaluation

By carrying out this research I have learnt about thrillers as a whole, and what makes it a thriller, how they have changed over years taking in new and different types of thrillers. I have concentrated on what makes a thriller using their specific codes and conventions. Thrillers use a variety of camera shots, with close ups long shots mid shots and even high shots. The director will use a wide range of shots to establish different interest points to the audience a glimpse of how the film will continue, and if they will enjoy the film. Different paces if editing and different types, for example jump cuts to fade this allows the shots to flow together under changing circumstances with in the opening.

Varied use of sound, we find there is a lot more non – diegeitic sounds used in an opening, this sets the tone of the film and helps the audience relate to the character. Generally we find the protagonist in the film.

Shown dialogue is limited as the aim for the audience to establish a connection and understanding of the characters and surroundings.

Mise - en – scene can be very heavily used, as it is what makes up the scene ranging from clothing to how the character acts. We generally find this is used to help the audience get to know the character and how they act, also with in there surroundings.

I also looked at how different types of thriller have been used. How there is a variation of both sub genres and hybrids, also how they are used in modern day thrillers. I also chose some that we would be will to use in our opening for example Film Noir, I looked at the conventions that make it, and how it is different to a conventional thriller.

I also looked at the target audience and whom a thriller aims the films at, I used a questionnaire to narrow my search down and allow me to know who mainly watches a thriller. Also whether the thriller targets men or women, this is important as it will allow us to make a film for a more broad audience or on the other hand a specific audience.

What it has taught me is how to make a good all round opening, using the conventions of a thriller. We must make sure though that we are not producing a cliché, as this would not be original and making it boring for the audience. The research has given me an idea of what type of audience would watch a thriller; this will give me an idea of how to target my audience. Looking at past students work has really allowed me to know what makes a good opening, and what things make a bad opening. Also what is standard we have to meet, also what the evaluators will be looking for when examining our work. Overall the research has taught me what makes up a good all round thriller opening, what is used to make a thriller opening, also why a thriller audience like a thriller also what it is about a thriller that they enjoy watching.

The research will change my planning, as we have been able to narrow our possibilities down to one, Film Noir. We have chosen to do Film Noir as it is something a bit different but still holds all the conventions of a thriller. We are also going to have to change the audience to make sure we stick to a 15 rated film, this is because we have come to realize that a 15 rated film would be the best all round film, especially for what we would be able to produce at school. The 5 thriller evaluations have allowed me to know what is found generally in thriller openings this will affect my planning as we will need to take into consideration what they generally use and recreate one without making a cliché.

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