Thursday 7 April 2011

Taxi 2

Camera – distance, angle, movement – Long shot used to establish the surrounding of opening scene, then swaps to a mid shot where we see the rally driver and co driver. Then swapping to another long shot there we see more of the surrounding’s, this is done because it allows is to see the pace of the opening and what the film could potentially be like. We also get close ups of the taxi and taxi driver, there are more close ups used when the taxi is in the scene, this allows the audience to see the main character and his taxi and due to the amount of close ups it tells the audience it is an important part of the film.

Editing – speed, style –
The director makes the opening scene very quick and exciting this is further shown by the shots being very quick. Jumping from long shot to close up, adding pace and a race like feel to the opening. However there was a large amount of quick shots and close ups between the rally driver and the taxi driver, this was done to show the surprised emotion of the rally driver and the urgency of the taxi driver to get past. It gives the impression of dialogue going on between them during the race.

Sound – effects, musical score –
We have diegetic sounds on the racing car, this is made to enhance the excitement of the opening scene, as it is all we hear drawing our attention into the speed and pace of the vehicle. Diegetic sound is also found with the dialogue between the racing driver and co – driver, we hear the tension in the voice as the race is important. Then we find that taxi comes into the race, where more diegetic dialogue is used as we hear that the taxi driver needs go get past, we can tell in his voice the frustration and anger building up as he is unable to get past. Non diegetic sounds is also used to enhance the sound of the vehicles, quickening the pace of the opening scene. We also hear the spectators shouting and screaming, but are not on the screen; the director has done this to make the race seem more real, this adds to the excitement that the spectators would feel when watching the race, also brings the audience closer to the film. Music is also added to build up the tension as the taxi driver is unable to get past, then we hear a drop in all sounds, then the pace quickens up to see the overtaking manoeuver. Sound has been very important in the opening as it builds up tension in the race, also brings the audience in with the film, allowing the audience to get involved with what’s happening onscreen.

Mise-en-scene – props, costume, setting, lighting, colour – Visually we are given a specked up, fully working race car with vinyl’s and an interior that is believable, this gives the audience a real feel for the film, and enhances the belief that there is a race is ongoing we switch to the the taxi, which has the appearance of being as standard as possible, but it is challenging the race car along a rally stage. .. Finally we see that the rally end with all the racing equipment as if it was an actually rally stage. Mise – en – scene is very important as it makes the opening scene more believable for the audience, however there is not much used in the opening of Taxi 2.

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